Excellent On-Camera Presentation Training Tools

Based on research from professional presenters, our guided exercises will help you engage with your audience on-camera.

“We cant make you a ‘STAR’, but we can make you shine!”

If you want TV presenter training that says it will turn you into a STAR or even get you a job on television then we are NOT the company for you.  There are a few companies that claim they can do this and we steer well clear of them!

Instead we offer quality, bespoke and unique training to professionals who need to appear on camera to deliver key messages.

Our range of on-camera presenter courses, workshops and seminars are adapted to your requirements and needs.  Our training is designed to improve your on-camera presentation skills so you build confidence and engage your audience.

Unlock Your On-Camera Potential: Two-Day Presenter Training Course

Are you ready to captivate your audience, command the screen, and master the art of on-camera presentation? Join our exclusive two-day Presenter Training Course, designed to equip you with the skills, confidence, and techniques needed to shine in front of the camera like never before. Whether you're a seasoned presenter looking to enhance your on-camera presence or a beginner eager to make a powerful first impression, this course is tailor-made for you.

Day 1: Mastering On-Camera Presence

During the first day of the training, we will delve into the fundamentals of on-camera presence, helping you develop a commanding presence that engages viewers from the very first frame. Our expert instructors, who have years of experience in the industry, will guide you through a series of interactive sessions, covering essential topics such as:

  1. Camera Awareness: Learn how to connect with your audience through the lens, understanding the nuances of on-camera delivery and maximising your visual impact.

  2. Body Language and Gesture: Discover how to leverage your body language to convey confidence, credibility, and authenticity, ensuring your message is not only heard but felt.

  3. Voice Modulation: Master the art of vocal projection, pacing, and tone, harnessing your voice to deliver compelling presentations that resonate with viewers.

  4. Teleprompter Mastery: Gain the skills to read from a teleprompter seamlessly, maintaining a natural flow while maintaining eye contact with your audience.

Day 2: Advanced Techniques for On-Camera Excellence

Building upon the foundations of day one, day two of our training focuses on advanced techniques that will elevate your on-camera skills to new heights. Through a combination of practical exercises and personalized coaching, you will explore the following areas:

  1. Script Interpretation: Learn how to analyse and interpret scripts effectively, infusing your delivery with emotion, clarity, and persuasive power.

  2. Improvisation and Ad-Libbing: Enhance your ability to think on your feet, improvising confidently in unscripted situations and adapting to unexpected challenges.

  3. Interviewing Techniques: Acquire the skills to conduct engaging on-camera interviews, asking insightful questions, and eliciting compelling responses from your guests.

  4. Visual Presentation: Discover the secrets of visually engaging presentations, including effective slide design, prop usage, and creating an appealing on-camera set.

  5. Media Training: Receive valuable insights into handling media interviews with grace and poise, managing challenging questions, and effectively conveying your message to the public.

By the end of our intensive two-day Presenter Training Course, you will walk away with newfound confidence, a refined on-camera presence, and the skills necessary to captivate your audience in any on-camera scenario. With small class sizes and personalised attention from our expert instructors, we ensure a supportive and enriching learning environment.

Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to unlock your full potential as an on-camera presenter. Enroll today in our two-day Presenter Training Course and take the first step towards becoming a charismatic and impactful on-camera communicator.

On-Camera Training

  • On-Camera Presenter Training

    Duration: 2 Days

    Location: Luton

    Maximum number: 10

    Cost: £575 per person

    Bring out your unique personality and SHINE!

    Presenting on-camera naturally is no easy task. All too often people freeze when they have to talk to a camera or ‘drone on’ in a monotone voice which just causes viewers to switch off. During this training we show you how to overcome your fears, bring out your unique personality and present confidently on-camera.

    Discover how to present your business, services or idea on-camera to not only engage your audience but also get them interacting with your brand. This course combines theory with practical exercises and covers in-depth training in most forms of presenting.

    As well as coaching you in the art of successful on-camera presenting we also cover basic video production skills and some of the fundamentals you need to be aware of before the cameras start rolling.

    Contact us for more information including availability: mail@presenternetwork.com

  • Online Training

    Over three hours of interactive content!

    Complete in your own time.

    Access to an extensive resources section.

    Exercises for you to complete.

    Access to members only VIP area.

    Ebooks, PDF’s, video content, audio files.

    Bonus content.

    FROM £35 PER YEAR!


Our Training ….

Our training focusses on the elements that make up a good on-screen presenter. Each module is a combination of classroom, theory and practical exercises. Individuals are recorded throughout the training so they can monitor progress, improve performance and at the end they can take home a personal souvenir of the training.