3 Simple techniques to help you get a rolling / warm start to your show


Starting a show can be one of the hardest things that you will do. How do you make the start of a show smooth warm and interesting so it is not cold and abrasive?

Starting a show can be like an analogy of a motor race. As soon as the race starts the drivers put their foot down on the accelerator and screech off. Its very harsh and takes a while to get going. However during a rolling start, where the cars are already moving, when the cars hit the start line their is already momentum and it starts off smoothly.

How do we make sure that when we start our presentation we start off smoothly and not in a fast abrasive manner which may put viewers off watching?

• Walk into shot

Walking into shot / frame before you speak means you have some energy / momentum coming with you. It is not cold, nor harsh and its not difficult.

• Have a conversation going in your own mind

Simply imagine somebody standing in from of you asking you a question and answer it. This way when you are not opening with a statement but a question.

• Smile

Our smile is the greatest ice-breakers we can have, it gives us energy and is warm. Lots of us have amazing smiles which we do not use to our full potential. Start smiling and laughing before you open your mouth to speak.

Everybody is different so find one that works for you the best and use it.


Using a Teleprompter


The home or office studio